Thursday, October 16, 2008

Say NObama

I can think of a million reasons not to vote for Obama. I'll start with health care.
I think half of the people voting for Obama want socialized medicine and the other half believe his story about:
"if you already have health care then nothing will change. You will keep your plan as it is, but will probably be paying less. If you don't have health care, this will give you an opportunity to get it."
Now, I don't know who thinks the rest of us just fell off the turnup truck, but for those of us who HAVE health care, yes, we MAY be able to keep our current plans. However, we WILL be paying MORE. WE, the responsible, tax paying, hard working citizens of America, will be paying higher taxes to cover the people who currently don't have health care.
Now I don't know about you, but it has been my experience that the government has done nothing but screw things up for us. You can look at our current financial situation for verification on that. Now, they want to take on handeling our health care. I mean really. Haven't they messed enough up? Can't they just leave us alone to be the maker of our own destiny? It is not a constitutional RIGHT to have health care. I dont' know who came up with that. Surely there has to be a better way. Maybe ACORN can send some people to medical school and in return, they have to offer low cost medical care to those in need. That sure would be a productive use of the money they receive from our government.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We need some regulation of the insurance industry, they can't keep raking in the profits without providing service. I have been self-employed all my life and got breast cancer. I had surgery and about a year later my insurer went out of the self-emploed health insurance business and I could not get insurance because I had had cancer. However, the government should not get into the insurance business anymore than they should be in the banking business. Most politicians and bureaucrats can't even handle there own lives let alone run a business. They owe so many people for putting them in office they don't even know where to start to pay them all off. Get government out of our lives, and only let politicians run for two terms. That way maybe something good will happen.